Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated

Membership is…
beautiful, sisterly, friendship, love, important, lifelong.

Graduate Membership
Alpha Kappa Alpha cultivates and encourages high scholastic and ethical standards; promotes unity and friendship among college women; alleviates problems concerning girls and women; maintains a progressive interest in college life; and serves all mankind through a membership of more than 265,000 women across the globe.
Candidacy for graduate membership into Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., is open to women of high ethical and scholastic standards who have completed at least a baccalaureate degree from an accredited senior college or university.
Membership Requirements
Completion of a baccalaureate degree, with at least a C+ cumulative average, or a graduate or professional degree (Ph.D., M.D., J.D., etc.) from an accredited college or university
C+ is equivalent to a 2.50 on a 4.0 scale if the school does not have a plus or minus on the grading scale.
Motivation and talents to help promote, implement and extend policies and programs of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority.
Attendance at the Information Session with the required documents listed in the "Letter of Invitation".
Membership Process
Graduate membership is by invitation only and is not solicited through graduate chapters. The Epsilon Nu Omega Chapter will host public events, such as forums, cultural presentations and social activities, so that prospective candidates can become acquainted with chapter members and learn about service activities they offer to local communities.
For reactivating members, please contact the Epsilon Nu Omega Chapter via our contact page or the Membership Chair, Martina Porter at tmartinaporterphd@gmail.com for more information.
Visiting Member Procedures
A visiting member may only attend 2 meetings before having to make a decision to transfer/join the chapter.
A visiting member may be asked to leave the meeting briefly due to chapter voting.
The Epsilon Nu Omega Chapter will have at least 2 Closed Member Only Chapter Meetings each year.
A visiting member is encouraged to arrive 10-15 minutes early as credentials are verified prior to admission into the meeting.
A visiting member must bring a State-Issued Photo Identification and documentation of their membership to the meetings. If the visiting member cannot provide the appropriate document they will be asked to leave.
Documentation includes, but is not limited to the following:
- Financial Card
Old Ivy Leaf Magazine
Membership Certificate
Letter from Corporate Office on letterhead
Letter from Undergraduate chapter on letterhead
Letter from Graduate chapter on letterhead
Transfer Verification Form
A visiting member must indicate verbally to the Keeper of the Door the chapter in which they were initiated, the region and the city and state.
A visiting member will be identified by a badge/name tag.
A visiting member may not receive any documentation from the meeting, except the agenda.
A visiting member should silence their cell phone.
A visiting member should be sisterly and wait to be acknowledged before speaking.
Business attire is required for all chapter meetings unless otherwise noted.