Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated

Our Story
Chartered October 22, 1949, Epsilon Nu Omega Chapter was the first graduate chapter in Colorado. Twenty-nine college women of varying abilities and character made up its membership. Several of the women had been charter members of Alpha Kappa Chapter, founded in November 1928 on the campus of Colorado Teacher’s College, now the University of Northern College. Epsilon Nu Omega Chapter has over 100 active members, several legacy families, and over 23 members who are Golden Sorors; women who have served Alpha Kappa Alpha for more than 50 years.

Charter Members
Erma Anderson
Ester Allen
Dana Blanchard
*Auverne Blanchard
*Aurburn Pratt Cole
Mary Martin Cruter
Frances Hale Currin
*Louise B. Draine
Elva J. Dulan
*Frances G. Elliott
Rosa Stroud Gillespie
Edythe Elliot Grant Hughes
*Marie L. Greenwood
*Dolores Groves Finley
*Myra Glenn Harris
Lorraine Jones Hobbs
Murlee Hart
Nora Jane Bailiff Holliday
Mildred Johnson
Jessie Knight
Jean Miller
Eleanor Porter Ragland
Katherine Rohr
Vivian Smith
*Florida Pitt Waller
Elizabeth Ward
*Erma R. West
*Maytie B. Williams
Former Presidents
Lorraine Hobbs 1949-1950
Mary Cruter 1950-1951
Delores Finley 1951
Irma James 1958-1959
Lorraine Draine 1959-1960
Barbara Dwight, 1960-1961
Lolita Porter 1961
Evie Dennis 1962
Beverly Leali 1972-1974
Edith Shelton 1974-1976
Cheryl Cash 1976-1979
Kathy Stowers 1979-1980
Thelma Bowie 1980-1982
Norma Bowles 1982-1986
Charleszine Nelson 1988-1992
Michelle Gibson 1992-1994
Loretta Richardson 1995-1998
Betty Edwards 1998-2000
Stacey Walker 2000-2004
Deborah Parsons 2004 -2006
Patricia C. O’Neal 2006-2010
Alicia Harvey 2011 – 2015
Dawn Frazier 2016 – 2019